Recommended Readings

Assignment 2 Description

<aside> 🕓 In this assignment, you will brainstorm ideas around your people problem and insights. Then, you will use one of your ideas to map out a user flow and create wireframes.



Part 0.

Make a new page called 'Assignment 2'. This should be just like how you did Assignment 1 :)

Part 1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming will allow you to explore possibilities. Use your research insights to keep your brainstorm session narrow and focused.

1. Recruit 2 individuals for collaborative brainstorming.

By diverse, we mean people of different ages, professions, or any other perspective (likely not your two best friends). Explain briefly: Who are they? Why are they diverse?

Prep: Get a pack of post-its, few sharpies, and an empty wall to prepare for the session

2. Do the brainstorming session.

Follow this protocol in order to better explain what we expect. Please strictly follow this. Make sure you and the 2 people you recruited are aligned on the People Problem and research insights before beginning.

Step 1: Generate ~30 Ideas!

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Think of as many ideas as you can during this time frame and write each on a post-it note. Each person should put their post-it on the wall as you go.

Tips: Go for quantity (don't think hard about the quality of ideas at this stage) and be visual (stick-figure drawings are easier to explain than words). Try to get to 30 post-its total!

Step 2: Group ideas by categories

Quickly run through each idea as a team and group them into categories. With 30 post-its, there's bound to be some overlap or similar concepts. Re-arrange the post-its on the wall by placing them in their respective category.

Step 3: Pick 6 of your favorite ideas

Result: At the end of the brainstorm session…

Have 6 ideas that you're excited about. Now you can narrow them down in Part 2.